Get directly in front of Coach & A.D.’s audience of coaches and athletic directors with purchasing power through our List Rental Program – curated to the unique needs of your company. Target by title, program type, program level, school size or geographic location to get your products in front of your ideal audience.
Sports Program Options:
- Public Schools
- Private Schools
- AAU/Travel Programs
- Recreation Centers
Additional Targeting Options:
- Level of Play (Middle School through D3 College)
- Title
- Specific Sport(s)
- School Enrollment
- Geographic Location
How It Works (Direct Mail):
- After selecting your targeting options above, our Audience Development Team will curate a mailing list specifically for you and send it to a 3rd party bonded mailhouse of your choosing.
- NDA to be signed by both you and the bonded mailhouse.
- Mailing list is one-time use only, with approval required of the promotional material being mailed to our audience.
- You may seed the list with employee names to confirm arrival date in mailboxes.
How It Works (Digital):
- After selecting your targeting options above, our Audience Development Team will curate an email list specifically for you and upload to our email distribution platform.
- You will supply HTML of the creative to be emailed, as well as a subject line.
- Email Distribution Agreement to be signed prior to email deployment.
- You may seed the list with employee email addresses to confirm timing and success.
Cost determined based on final list size.